Gas Anaesthesia Apparatus Components & Accessories

Bulk Cylinder Conversion Units
GM 3675 – Oxygen
GM 3676 – Nitrous Oxide
For connecting bulk cylinder to the anaesthesia apparatus. The unit comprises of a Regulator, 2 mtrs. High Pressure Tubing with ferrules and a pin Index Adaptor to fit on the yoke of the apparatus in place of the service cylinder.
Bag Mountsr
GM 9023 -22F x 22M & 22F at Bag end – Plastic
GM 9025 -23M x 23f & 22F at Bag end – Plastic
The above will not bend or dent when accidentally dropped.
GM 9027 – 23M x 23F & 23M at Bag end with ON/OFF Lever – Brass
Expiratory Valves – Heidbrink
GM 9200 – 22M/15F at patient end & 22F at distal end
GM 9201 – 23M/15F at patient end & 23F at distal end
15mm E/T straight connectors can be fitted at the patient end, thus avoid using catheter mount & reducing dead space. Will not bend or dent when accidentally dropped.
GM 9202 – 23M/23F Brass Chromed
A variable tension spring is fitted in the above three expiratory valves to control the degree of rebreathing.
22 Angle “wye” w/o Expiratory Valve
GM 9028
The patient end accepts anaesthesia mask & 15mm tracheal connector.
Dr. Nawathe’s Swivel with Expiratory Valve
GM 9050
Patient end accepts anaesthesia mask & 15mm tracheal connector. Low weight – 50gms – leads to minimization of the pressure strain for patient. Sturdy to withstand rough usage, will not bend or dent when accidentally dropped, needs no servicing with absence of circlips & rubber washers
Note : For other servicing components including spares such as corrugated tubes, facemasks, breathing bags etc., please refer our price our price list.